American Kids Will Throw Anything

American Kids Will Throw Anything

Babe, it's been a long week. One which began with Sylvie playfully throwing a brick of Magnatiles at my face point blank. Immediately after, I ran to the bathroom where pain and blood followed but so did a very contrite and concerned three-year-old who continued to repeat "I so sorry, Mommy. I so sorry." In the aftermath, I was sporting a deep cut and abundant swelling on my nose bridge. I debated telling people I was in a fight and even began beta testing quips in my head ("You should see the other guy...she's adorable!"). Decided against both.

However, if you buy into the hype of the French Pharmacy like I do, you may have some Biafine lying around and that shit is good. I've been applying it a few times a day and I no longer look like Joey Donner (below) or Kim Basinger's colleague in LA Confidential ("You got the wrong idea, Mister, I'm fine"). I'm confident I've found a new use for this medicine cabinet staple since I've been assured by society at large that French parents are never hit in the face with toys because their children are well-behaved, eat everything put in front of them and are arguing the merits of Foucault by the age of 3.

Still pissed he lost that big nose spray commercial.

So aside from physically healing, some unwelcome pieces of the past have been bubbling up (retrograde is predictable) and I don't think it's the right time for me to get into things here. That said, please know there is a future episode of Adult Onset that will tackle The Modern Liberal Man: His Permeation of the Social Justice Movement and His Many Flagrant Hypocricies.

I'll leave you with this call back to last week's newsletter that I happened upon while scrolling. I'm not crazy but also...I AM!


Women with ADHD, I got you! I am extremely passionate about helping women just like myself and this is a subject which is not spoken about enough. I talk a lot about the impact of hormones but what we need more attention on is how this is relevant to ADHD medication. The more oestrogen you have the more of these brilliant neurotransmitters are made. When you have ADHD, you’re already lacking in these, so you can imagine how much we struggle during the luteal phase when these go down even more. This also means that your medication response is going to fluctuate alongside. This is because they don’t actually make these neurotransmitters they just find what’s hiding around, and if you aren’t making enough, they’re not gonna be having that much of an effect. If you guys would like me to go into more detail, i.e. different stages of each part of the menstrual cycle and how to manage symptoms and medication response let me know. ‼️ PSA Please also remember this is just for information, do NOT make any changes to your medication or make any clinical decisions based on this video. Please consult a relevant healthcare professional if you want any help with your ADHD. This video is just to help inform people and share knowledge about a subject which I’m extremely passionate about.‼️ #adhd #femalehealth #adultadhd #adhdtiktok #adhdmedication #adhdexplained #femalehormones #estrogen #adhdinwomen #adhdbrain #adhdproblems #adhdhelp #adhdtips

♬ original sound - Priya | ADHD🧠| Healthcare💊

Watching, Reading, Listening
I finished my book club book The Secret Life of Sunflowers. It turns out it was self-published. Should it have been? No. Was the basis of the plot interesting? Yes. Were the characters remotely realistic or imbued with any depth? No. My book club compatriots will be hearing my outrage on Thursday.
In happier news, I finished This Must Be the Place which was a much more enjoyable and emotional read. Maggie O'Farrell has range (although she does has a difficult time conjuring a realistic Brooklynite). I've since started Brother of the Less Famous Jack. I shall keep you abreast.
Also read this great piece about the hypocrisy and Islamaphobia of the French government after it voted to enshrine the right to abortion in its constitution.
Still listening to Cowboy Carter.

Was back at the gym in earnest this week and it felt incredible. Back on the (cursed) ski machine, some kettle carries, dumbell rows, goblet squats and a very satisfying game of weighted ball catch with Zainab.

Leftover Easter candy, a fair amount of skyr, Pasta Louise's meatballs, Sylvie and I split some of Hamilton's mashed potatoes but she wasn't interested in the date cake (I was very interested in the date cake), curry chicken at Bette's school Holi celebration, eggs and fries (an overlooked diner classic) and a pretty legit coffee eclair from Velvette, 30g Vyvanse, 100mg Sertraline, several mgs each of iron, magnesium, calcium and biotin via supplements.

To manage the snail population in Bette's fishtank. Did you know freshwater snails and their eggs can sneak into your aquarium via plants or other materials? Did you know they reproduce asexually as well as enthusiastically? These facts are new to me as well. My conscience and soul are now stained with the blood of many a freshwater snail. And both will be even more so soon.

She washes her eyes now! Also, look at this woman on Bausch + Lomb's site. Is that not the dream? Layered up in LL Bean on a boat reading a book with clean ass eyes??? #CorneaGoals

Carts all over god's internet.

On what to wear for a one hour panel I have to speak on next month. How does one project "I work in philanthropy and I'm colder than Titanic water"?

Making summer camp plans. Still.

Reader, I Pinned It
Another beautiful, function object to collect dust in my house, anyone who knows me knows I can't resist a new mug or four, never not looking for the next fragrance, a not possible possibility for the panel mentioned above (backordered) but easily recreated with separates, no?, IDK I might have to...

Summer is coming and, for me, this is a time of panic and doom. Send me your favorite summer activities to keep it posi.