Gentle and Soft.

Gentle and Soft.
These guys.

Friends, I didn't mean to break my weekly streak but after a work trip to Chicago and a lot of catch up at work and home, I had no energy left.

My return to work travel was very welcome but I will admit I was cursing myself for all my boasting about packing on this platform when, at 7am, I realized my laptop didn't fit in my suitcase and I had to scramble to repack while Bette was very loudly and emotionally protesting my departure.

One of my oldest friends, Meg, and I used the Chicago trip as an excuse for her to come from Michigan to hang out. I can't tell you what an indulgence it felt like to spend two days with a friend one-on-one, especially to have that sense of familiarity and comfort during my first foray into philanthropic conferences and speaking engagements. It also gave me a chance to introduce her to the seminal Documentary Now! episode about the legendary and fictional Chicago band Blue Jean Committee.

Upon returning home I had the distinct experience of chaperoning an elementary school "dance" which involved watching dozens of children without spatial awareness run at top speed around a gym after ingesting pizza, chips, cupcakes, donuts and about 256 half-drunk Capri-Suns. It was pure mayhem and louder than any show or event I have ever attended in my entire fucking life. Bette wanted to leave early and I have never been prouder.

Watching, Reading, Listening
The last several days have been focused on watching the new Bridgerton season whenever I have a few moments. This season is based on my second favorite of the books I've read from the series and so far it's had a few great moments in a mostly ok string of episodes. We'll see what the next four bring. While in Chicago, I watched Anybody but You. I would love to recommend this but, aside from Glenn Powell being a fox, it's kind of like if we let a computer read a bunch of romances and then it spit out a mid script. Adding insult to injury, it's inspired by my favorite Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing. In our continued Ghibli exploration, Bette and I went to see Ponyo in a revival screening and it was truly delightful. Have also been keeping up with the second season of Loot which I find short and just funny enough to keep my interest.
It was my turn to suggest titles for the next book club discussion and the ladies ended up choosing Fight Night by Miriam Toews. I started it and really loved it a few years ago then my grandmother had a stroke and, given the subject matter of the book, I put it down. With her since passing, I'm bracing myself for an ultra emotional read. I also read about an organized sex strike by Orthodox women and the (latest) public upheaval at Brooklyn Friends in NY Mag. Will be getting the insider POV from Natalka this week at dinner...

A not light carryon suitcase, kettle bell farmer walks, my body weight with elevated push ups and many pounds and reps of shoulder presses.

Chicago offered several great meals with a hat tip to Zainab's brother Ahmed and Phoebe for the Rooh and Lula Cafe recs respectively. We had an incredible drink at The Aviary (Summer in Mallorca for me) and the worst cold brew of our lives at La Boulangerie & Co Logan. This weekend I had a lovely meal at The Osprey with some lovely people for my friend Bedirhan's birthday, including corn ribs, peach and burrata salad and some snap peas that reminded me of Houlihan's (please understand this is the highest compliment as slightly oily snap peas are a strong sense memory of my childhood meals there). 40 mg Vyvanse; 100 mg sertraline; several supplements and some birth control.

With a lot, honestly. It's been a roller coaster of a few weeks at work for several reasons and it's been difficult to find time to breathe.

Returning things mostly but ended up keeping these two pairs of the shoes I ordered and had to exchange the Wray pants for a different size but they are GREAT. Light, breezy and full of movement and comfort.

Per Sylvie's requests, a lot of meh watercolor sketches of Elmo, Cookie Monster and Mecha Abby and some decent ones of octopuses, snails and fish. Also, creating my own drama by sabotaging Sylvie's pacifier so we can cold turkey that shit. It may be a disaster.

On getting better sleep via Breathe Right strips and Sleepytime Extra tea.

(no longer) Avoiding
I did it. I signed Bette up for camp. Let the chaos of summer logistics begin!

Reader, I Pinned It
This easy cocktail I already have ingredients for, this beautiful candy, even more art supplies.