Paging Cathy White*

Paging Cathy White*
The Woodward Dream Cruise which I, like every true Metro Detroiter, can sense coming in my bones every mid-August.

I write to you from the wilds of Metro Detroit where the girls and I have been spending a week clearing through my belongings at my mother's. It's been fun and it's been emotional.

I've reviewed almost every picture taken of/by me from 1979 - 2002, reread essays, plays and short stories I've written, relived embarrassments and achievements, unearthed my substantial stash of Jane Magazines and found a deeply incriminating set of photos from 1996. I am emotionally spent. As a family unit, we have broken and replaced an iPad, endured two fevers, several breakdowns, more than a few mosquito bites and many laughs. Tears have been shed, tantrums have been thrown. I wish I could tell you those came exclusively from the children, but alas, no.

That said, I've managed to knock almost everything off our Michigan wishlist, including a trip to the Troy Aquatic Center (we all had a blast), the amazing park a few miles away (though we got caught in a torrential rainstorm) and a few trips each to Dairy Queen and the new Barnes and Noble (ironically back in the space where it first opened when I was very young).

There are actually a few things I've been meaning to discuss with you but I'll leave those for a time when I can really dig in. Please be advised we'll be discussing the first time Bette said the word "calories" to me, plus-size substacks/blogs and how Inspector Lewis' former partner is a fucking piece of shit Islmaphobic Nazi.

Watching, Reading, Listening
Per Amanda's suggestion, my mom, Bette and I have been watching The Mallorca Files on Prime. A perfectly serviceable and cozy mystery series.
I've done zero reading despite bringing Uprooted, Spinning Silver and The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches on my kindle. I did, however and of course, buy two new books while here - The Most and Heaven. They're both fairly short so I'm hoping I can crush them quickly and gain some momentum.
Sylvie's been demanding "Spider-man Dance" every time we're in the car which, directly translated, means the Into the Spider-verse soundtrack. Her other request is "loud, mommy." So there's been a lot of that. Also listening to near-constant demands as well as several complaints and statements of impatience from both my children.

The weight of generational trauma and several boxes of items to be delivered to Salvation Army.

My mother's mashed potatoes and corn, incredible watermelon, a satisfying amount of both Dairy Queen and Superman ice cream, several Honeycrisp apples, my favorite rye bread, Olive Garden pasta and a healthy amount of raw veggies with Hidden Valley Ranch dip. Midwest summer splendor, baby!

To keep my shit together on a regular basis.

More than I should, frankly. Including a Peppa Pig doll for Sylvie which may be my undoing as she's now asking to actually WATCH this godforsaken show. It has led Bette, however, to make this astute observation: "Ms. Rabbit is a hardworking woman. Every time I see her she's at another job."

I've been trying to paint while here with mixed results...

On my mistakes, professional and personal alike.

Packing, as it happens.

Reader, I Pinned It
Some bright shelves, thinking about fall things, thinking about Ali McGraw in Love Story (which is something that happens a lot), thinking about Tilda Swinton in I am Love (which also happens a lot) and, obviously, Phoebe. Combing Poshmark for vintage Talbots and Lands End but have only gotten one sweater so far.