Mog, My Self

Mog, My Self
It hits.

Every night as part of Sylvie's bedtime routine we read the same two books in the same order. First The Tiger Who Came to Tea and then Mog the Forgetful Cat, both by Judith Kerr. I bought the former at the Winding Stair during our time in Dublin last summer and loved it enough to buy several more of Kerr's books when we returned home.

Here's the thing. I've read these books enough that I can multitask (h/t ADHD) while reading them out every other night. I get a lot done in my head during story time because I'm a highly productive and compulsive person. However, recently and more than once during this winter of my hormonal discontent, I catch myself tearing up when I reach the page shown above.

"Mog sat in the dark and thought dark thoughts." Hard relate. Things over here are still feeling, well, a bit awful.

I truly did not mean for this newsletter to be a running commentary on my struggle with what seems to be an increasingly acute and brutal mingling of perimenopause and ADHD but here we are.

That said, onto the bright moments: There was a story this week about newly unearthed frescoes in Pompeii. In a time that is feeling pretty low on hope and light globally, nationally and personally, it was a relief (get it?) to read about beauty and discovery.

As an update, I'm both proud and sorry to say that I've (fingers crossed) completed the massacre of (I hope) all snails, snail larvae and snail eggs in our fish tank. This had the unfortunate and unintended consequence of stressing out poor Preston to his eventually confirmed death. Preston had a good run and Bette took it...ok. She was sad at first, then kind of fascinated ("I can't stop looking at it"), then giggling about it and then, as a ruse to postpone bedtime 12 hours after hearing the news, just devastated. Then she asked me to flush Preston first thing this morning. We hope to find Brianna another roommate poste-haste.

This weekend had brunch with Jay, Natalka and their kids which involved an attempt at Carcassonne, a French board game I had never heard of and turns out is in no way appropriate for a 3 year old. However, it spurred me to immediately take advantage of Target's "buy two, get one free" sale on games. Friends. That was a sound investment. In the last 36 hours we have attempted to teach Sylvie how to play Connect 4, laughed ourselves to tears playing Pictionary and have fostered true lessons on competitiveness, fair play and strategy between Perfection and Guess Who.

Lastly, following Sylvie's recent assault on my face, yesterday she gave me a (accidental) fat lip so I'm looking more and more like Jake LaMotta every day.

Watching, Reading, Listening
Thankfully, our brunch with Jay and Natalka revived Bette's interest in the Studio Ghibli movies. We started The Secret Life of Arrietty while visiting them a few years ago but she at the time wasn't interested in finishing it. Saturday afternoon we watched My Neighbor Totoro with Sylvie and it was sweet to see them identify with Satsuki and Mei. The personalities kind of fit, honestly. Bette and I started Spirited Away last night and I can't wait to watch more.
I'm still reading Brother of the More Famous Jack. My interest, I confess, is waning but I think we're about to hit a time jump so I'm optimistic.
If you haven't already, you should read Annie's piece on organic milk in The Atlantic. Per usual, it's well written and well reported and keeps popping back up in my thoughts.
Through the internet, I was reintroduced to these two sad girl bangers that overdramatic, late 90s/early aughts Mandy listened to ON REPEAT.
Also still listening to Cowboy Carter but have added an audiobook, My Friends by Hisham Matar, based on Phoebe's recommendation.

Bette came with me to the gym on Wednesday as she was off for Eid. A quote: "How do you do all this and then go to work?" I explained that her mother is a beast and she should embrace it.
Lotta squats, lotta kettle carries, some dead bugs, kettle deadlifts and, Jesus H., I had to do actual planks this week.

Greek delivery that I would not repeat, chips and dip (IYKYK) as a way of feeling close to faraway friends, mediocre croissants from Gregory's, hot dogs for myself and the girls to ensure they have an American childhood, Wegmans honestly pretty good ice cream and sherbet bars, 100mg sertraline, no Vyvanse because I have two pills left so I'm rationing, many supplements including Omega 3 and Vitamin D/K as recommended to help with the lack of ADHD medications.

To come to the acknowledgement that my relationship with coffee and caffeine has to change. I now realize that the overwhelming physical desire to go to sleep shortly after I drink too much caffeine or too much caffeine too quickly is a function of my recently discovered brain chemistry. Things have to change. :(

Even though Sephora was out of my beloved dry shampoo before I could bring myself to commit to a final VIB sale cart, I did end up restocking Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray and Glossier Skin Tint and trying a new shade of Glossier's Ultralip and a Tower 28 lip balm. I've been really missing Glossier's mask duo (SHUT UP SOME OF THEIR STUFF WAS GOOD) and so trying out these two as a replacement for their clay and moisture masks, respectively. I also treated myself to a new shade of Victoria Beckham lid lustre. In case you didn't know, this is the most perfect glittery eyeshadow ever and Mink is the most perfect shade.

Friggin' happy memories with board games and Studio Ghibli. I clearly owe a lot of this week's highs to Natalka and Jay. I am deeply grateful.

On making plans for happier times. Hopeful balls are rolling toward possible trips to Montreal, Nova Scotia, Paris and Kent Island(ish) in the next year or so.

Getting Sylvie from her nap even though she's clearly awake and I think I just heard paper ripping...

Reader, I Pinned It
Come on, this is awesome. Trying to shift my attitude towards summer by focusing on beverages. Thinking about something small and consistent like this to habitualize some creativity in my daily life.

Other games the family should try?